A cynical lie while her government continues buying gas from Russia

A minister of Pedro Sánchez launches a hoax about Abascal and Putin in a debate

The socialist government of Pedro Sánchez has been using lies as a political weapon for years, and it also does so in electoral campaigns.

Abascal's excellent speech pointing out Sánchez's favors to Putin and Hamas
Abascal's message of support for Ukraine in a meeting with Vox's allies in Poland

Teresa Ribera invents that Abascal took a photo with Putin

This morning, in a debate organized by two media related to the government, Cadena SER and the newspaper El País, Teresa Ribera, PSOE candidate, third vice president and minister for the Ecological Transition, has claimed that Santiago Abascal, leader of Vox, has photos with Putin, a claim that has been quickly and categorically denied by Vox candidate Jorge Buxadé. You can see that moment here in the video of the debate starting at point 1:21:01 (the video is in Spanish, you can activate the automatic English subtitles in the bottom bar of the player):

As Buxadé has pointed out, Abascal has never taken any photos with Putin and has never met with the Russian dictator. It's a hoax. It was not a mere slip: Ribera was reading what he had written when he uttered those words. Thus, everything indicates that it was a lie that his team had planned to launch in the debate , in a crude attempt to discredit the leader of Vox.

Vox is the Spanish party that has voted the most against Russia in Brussels

Let us remember that already a month before the start of the Russian invasion, Vox showed its support for Ukraine before the mobilizations of Russian troops along the Ukrainian border. Vox has supported Ukraine on repeated occasions. In fact, in June 2022, a European NGO noted that Vox is the Spanish party that has voted against Russia the most times in the European Parliament. After the start of the invasion, Abascal denounced the support of the far-left for Putin and criticized the attacks of the rest of the parties on Poland, "which is the Nation that has most dared to warn about Putin's threat." Let's remember in March 2022, Vox supported the sending of Spanish military aid to Ukraine, while Sánchez's far-left allies criticized her.

The Sánchez government has triggered the purchase of Russian gas

This hoax from Minister Ribera is especially cynical if we take into account that Sánchez has triggered the purchase of Russian gas by Spain during the invasion of Ukraine, thus helping to finance Putin's criminal aggression against the Ukrainian people, all while their government is one of those that has sent the least military aid to Ukraine in the entire EU, even less than small countries like Latvia and Estonia.

Sánchez has among his allies the most pro-Russian parties in Spain

Likewise, Sánchez owes his reelection to the support of two of the most pro-Russian parties in Spain, which are Podemos and Izquierda Unida (which currently uses the electoral brand of Sumar). A few days after the start of the invasion, several allies of Sánchez refused to support the European condemnation of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, among them the current minister Sira Rego (Vox voted in favor of that condemnation).

In November 2022, Sanchez's far-left allies also did not support a European resolution accusing Russia of terrorism (Vox supported the resolution). Likewise, in the 2024 European election campaign, Podemos, an ally of Sánchez, is the Spanish party that most defends pro-Russian positions, as it has been doing for years, opposing the sending of aid military to Ukraine and sanctions to Russia for the invasion.

I'm not aware that Sánchez and his associates have any photos with Putin, but the Russian dictator should reward them at least with an autographed portrait for all the favors they are doing him.


Photo: PSOE. Teresa Ribera con Pedro Sánchez en un mitin del PSOE.

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