The chilling photos that the PSOE hides in its attack against Abascal

Pedro Sánchez's antidemocratic international and his friendly photos with dictators

Pedro Sánchez and the Socialist Party (PSOE) are trying to cover up their corruption scandals with attacks on the opposition.

The six Islamic leaders in this photo with Sánchez and the things their regimes do
The immoral meeting of the PSOE with the single party of the largest dictatorship in the world

Yesterday, exhibiting a rather crude level of propaganda, the PSOE published a video with distorted images and sound to attack Santiago Abascal, leader of Vox, the third most voted party in Spain and one of the organizations that have assumed the role of popular accusation in some of those cases of corruption that affect to the socialists. The video is an imitation of famous advertisement of the Doberman used by the PSOE in 1996 to cover up the corruption scandals and the case of state terrorism (the GAL) that affected the socialist government by Felipe González.

In this new video, the PSOE considers "chilling" photos of Abascal with democratic rulers who came to power through free elections: Donald Trump, Javier Milei, Jair Bolsonaro and Benjamín Netanyahu. With this crude propaganda, the PSOE feed its campaign on a supposed "far-right international", a trick to cover up socialist corruption.

What the PSOE hides in that video are the truly chilling photos of Sánchez with some of the worst dictators in the world, in what, imitating the socialists, we could classify - with much more reason - as an anti-democratic international with whom Sánchez seems to get along very well, judging by how smiling he appears in these photos. Let's look at some (note: all the countries indicated below are marked as "authoritarian regimes" in the The Economist Democracy Index).

Xi Jinping, People's Republic of China 🇨🇳

Xi Jinping is the dictator of the largest undemocratic regime in the world: communist China. A single-party regime, which has ruled mainland China since 1949 without free elections, murdering millions of people, violating human rights and -currently- perpetrating a genocide against the Uyghur people about which the leftist Spanish government has not said a single word. Sánchez met with Xi Jinping on March 31, 2023 in Beijing, posing smiling with that dictator. Sánchez has been condoning illegal Chinese police stations in Spain for years. A few days ago, the PSOE met with leaders of the Communist Party of China, the sole party of that dictatorship, in Madrid, to "strengthen" their relations. Photo source: La Moncloa.

Miguel Díaz-Canel, Cuba 🇨🇺

Díaz-Canel leads the oldest dictatorship on the entire American continent. He became dictator in 2019, succeeding Raúl Castro. His one-party regime has been ruling Cuba since 1959 without free elections, violating human rights and torturing and murdering tens of thousands of people. Sánchez met with him in November 2018 on an official visit to Cuba. In 2021, the PSOE voted against a European declaration to call for the end of the dictatorship in Cuba. Source of photos: La Moncloa.

Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, Qatar 🇶🇦

Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani is the emir of Qatar, an absolute monarchy in which political parties are prohibited and there are no free elections. His regime persecutes Christians, discriminates against women and punishes homosexuality with prison. Also, is the main foreign support of Hamas terrorists along with Iran and Turkey. Sánchez received this dictator in La Moncloa on May 18, 2022. Photo source: La Moncloa.

Hassan Rouhani, Iran 🇮🇷

Iran has been an Islamist dictatorship since 1979. Hassan Rouhani was the dictator of that regime between 2013 and 2021. The Iranian dictatorship has murdered tens of thousands of people for political reasons and is one of the main global promoters of Islamist terrorism, supporting terrorist groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah. Pedro Sánchez met with him at the UN headquarters in New York on September 24, 2019. Three months after this meeting, Sánchez signed a government pact with Podemos, a far-left party with links to the Iranian regime. Photo source: La Moncloa.

Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian National Authority 🇵🇸

The Palestinian National Authority (PNA) controls Judea and Samaria (also called the West Bank) under a dictatorship that has not called elections since 2006. Hamas terrorists won by an absolute majority in the last elections held that year. The elections led to the separation of the so-called Palestinian territories, leaving Gaza under the control of Hamas and Judea and Samaria under the control of Fatah (ANP). Mahmoud Abbas has been the dictator of the area controlled by the ANP since 2014, and in these ten years he has not called elections of any kind. Sánchez met with him on October 21, 2023 in Cairo. The Spanish socialist leader has aligned himself with Abbas's theses in the Middle East, exhibiting increasing hostility against Israel, the only democracy in the region. Photo source: La Moncloa.

Abdelfatah Al-Sisi, Egypt 🇪🇬

Al-Sisi has ruled Egypt since 2014, in a dictatorship that emerged from a military coup d'état in 2013, a coup led by Al-Sisi against Mohamed Morsi, the first Egyptian president to have been elected in democratic elections. After an interim presidency of Adli Mansur, the dictatorship called elections in which Al-Sisi obtained 96.91% of the votes, with only one alternative candidate presenting himself. Currently, the Egyptian opposition, if you can call it that, is limited to a pro-government party. Pedro Sánchez met with Al-Sisi on September 24, 2019 at the UN headquarters in New York. Photo source: La Moncloa.

Mohamed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦

Mohamed bin Salman has been Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia since 2022. Until then, that position was held by his father, King Salman bin Abdulaziz. The poor health of the current king has made Mohamed bin Salman become the de facto ruler of the country, an absolute monarchy that persecutes Christians, discriminates against women and imprisons homosexuals. Furthermore, the Saudi dictatorship is the main exporter of a very radical Islamist current, Salafism, which also has a presence in Spain. Pedro Sánchez met with him in Saudi Arabia on April 2, 2024. Photo source: La Moncloa.

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