The European leader needs the support of the socialists for her re-election

Feijóo cannot get Von der Leyen to make even the slightest criticism of Sánchez at a PP event

This Saturday, the Popular Party (PP) brought Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, to a political event in Galicia.

Hungary and Poland yes, Spain no: the reasons for the leftist bias of the European Commission
The European Commission will not oppose Sánchez's coup: we Spaniards must stop it

An event held two days after the culmination of Sánchez's coup

The presence of the European leader at this event had generated a certain expectation, since Feijóo managed to get Von der Leyen to attend a PP event in Spain just two days after the approval of the amnesty law, the most serious attack on the rule of law that Spain has suffered in more than 40 years of democracy and a colossal act of political corruption that grants criminal privileges in exchange for support parliamentaryfor Sánchez's re-election. Something that had never happened in all the years we have had democracy in Spain.

Feijóo asked Von der Leyen to commit to the rule of law in Spain

The video of the event can be seen here. Feijóo made a speech full of references to Von der Leyen and with an express invitation to commit to the rule of law in Spain. The national president of the PP was euphoric with the presence of the president of the European Commission at this event, a euphoria that is explained, in part, in the hope of obtaining criticism of Sánchez's blow to the Rule of Law and, in addition, the opportunity to show international support for the PP after the strong international support obtained by Vox at its Viva 24 event a couple of weeks ago.

Von der Leyen did not pay attention and did not launch even the slightest criticism against Sánchez

The euphoria of Feijóo and other PP leaders began to fade as Von der Leyen's speech went on. After some friendly references to Galicia, the Camino de Santiago and the PP, the president of the European Commission addressed the war in Ukraine and various issues related to the European Union, avoiding remembering that it has supported many European policies that are causing harm to our farmers, due to the support of Von der Leyen and of the European People's Party to the most absurd theses of the left on economic and climate issues. She also avoided remembering her ideological alignment with the left on issues such as abortion or gender ideology, issues in which her Commission has acted as if it had a socialist fanatic as its president.

Finally, Von der Leyen made a slight mention of the rule of law in Europe, saying: "I know there is concern in Europe about the rule of law. Let me be very clear: the European Commission as guardian of the Treaties, has the task of defending those values." However, Von der Leyen did not mention the amnesty law and did not make even the slightest criticism of Pedro Sánchez, and all this two days after the serious attack by the Spanish left against the rule of law in Spain. Faced with Von der Leyen's low profile, the PP leaders began to put on a grim face (the image below shows their reaction to the European president's timid reference to the rule of law) and the audience applauded weaker and weaker.

Von der Leyen needs the support of the socialists for her re-election

The PP has proven to be very naive by placing its hopes in Von der Leyen to stop Sánchez's coup. As I already explained here in November, Von der Leyen's Commission has 9 socialist commissioners, among them the Spanish Josep Borrell. Currently, German politicians know that they will not even remotely count on the support of the Group of Conservatives and Reformists (ECR, of which Vox is a part) for their re-election, after Von der Leyen's betrayal of the Polish conservatives. Thus, the current president needs the socialists to stay in office. That is the reason why Von der Leyen had no qualms about starting a persecution against Hungary and Poland on ideological grounds, after which it has done absolutely nothing to oppose the coup of Sánchez in Spain.

The paradox of the PP: it asks for votes against the left and then allies with the socialists in Brussels

In fact, the PP faces this campaign with the difficult challenge of asking for votes against the left-wing and then allying itself with the socialists in Brussels, which is what the European People's Party has been doing in the community institutions for some time now. many years. This alliance is what explains why Von der Leyen has not made even the slightest criticism of Sánchez today (neither today nor ever). In reality, Sánchez - who is currently president of the Socialist International - is as much an ally of Von der Leyen as Feijóo is, or even more, taking into account that, due to his position, Sánchez has more power political and more international influence.

That said, Von der Leyen's attendance at the PP rally in Galicia has been a predictable disappointment, except for the PP, which continues to hope, in vain, for Brussels to stop Sánchez. We Spaniards are the ones who have to stop him.


Photo: Partido Popular.

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