The helmets have been tested by the 21st Podhale Rifle Brigade

HBT-02, the new helmet that Polish Army soldiers will debut in 2025

For two years, coinciding with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Poland has been promoting a major renewal of its Armed Forces.

Lampart, the new camouflage that the Polish Army is testing for its uniforms
MSBS Grot, the Polish ambidextrous rifle that manages to rival the prestigious HK416

In addition to increasing its number of soldiers and incorporating new weapons systems, the Polish Army is designing a renewal of its soldiers' equipment. Last year I already spoke here about the MSBS Grot assault rifle, introduced in 2017 in the Polish Army and which has become popular among Ukrainian soldiers. Speaking of more recent news, in November I talked about the new Lampart camouflage of the Polish Army, which will replace the already famous Wz. 93 Panterafrom 1993. In that entry we were also able to see another new element of the personal equipment of the Polish soldiers: their helmet.

The current Maskpol wz. 2005 Polish Army

Currently, the helmet most used by the Polish Army is the Maskpol wz. 2005 (on these lines), introduced in 2006 and looking very similar to the famous American PASGT (also called Fritz). The similarity is not coincidental: the wz. 2005 was inspired by the PASGT, being made of composite materials, has four-point fastening straps and is designed to stop shrapnel and bullets from short weapons.

The wz. 2005 has a weight of between 1.4 and 1.6 kg, depending on the size (it has been supplied in three different sizes) and the added accessories. This model still has a lot of life ahead of it in the Polish Army, since last year the purchase of 52,000 wz. 2005 helmets for the Polish Army was signed, after the large donations of military helmets made by Poland to Ukraine.

The Maskpol HP-05 helmet introduced in 2020

Plus more wz helmets. 2005, last year the Polish Army also signed the purchase of 32,000 Maskpol HP-05 helmets, a model introduced in 2020 and designed in the style of special operations helmets that have become popular in many armies, without ear protection to be able to use headphones, with rails to attach accessories on the sides and a socket for night vision glasses on the front.

The HP-05 follows a philosophy: what is lost in weight is gained in versatility, by being able to add more accessories to this protection for the soldier's head. This makes it a suitable model for special operations units, but infantry soldiers need better protection.

The new Maskpol HBT-02 helmet of the Polish Army

On May 8, Maskpol announced that it has completed testing with the new HBT helmet- 02, which you can see on these lines: "Starting next year, deliveries of this helmet are scheduled in parallel with other models for the Polish Army", noted the company.

The HBT-02 offers the same ability as the HP-05 to add accessories (above these lines we can see an image showing both helmets), but the new helmet offers more protection. Maskpol has highlighted that the HBT-02 responds to the "needs of the armed forces for various models of composite helmets."

On May 26, the Polish military newspaper Polska Zbrojna, reported these words from the president of Maskpol, Adam Ogrodnik: "The new HBT-02 helmet, developed within the framework of the "Tytan" Individual Combat System project, has a protective surface and ballistic parameters that ensure the safety of soldiers at the highest global levelOur company is ready to start production and deliver the helmet for the needs of the Polish Armed Forces."

Polska Zbrojna adds: "HBT-02 absorbs up to 90% of impact energy at high speed. It is a low-cut helmet, that is, with a side line that covers the ears. This is the main feature that distinguishes it from Maskpol's flagship product, the HP-05 helmet, which has a "high-cut" side line with a cutout for headphones, which also means a smaller protection area."

"Another great advantage is the possibility of expanding the HBT-02 with additional modules that protect the face and jaw, useful during combat or when operating in hard-to-reach areas, for example in the forest," says Polska Zbrojna. This explains the plastic part that the helmet has in the part that protects the soldier's ears, as you can see here.

Like the new Lampart camouflage and simultaneously, the HBT-02 has been tested by the 21st Podhale Rifle Brigade, a famous mountain unit of the Polish Army, part of the 18th Mechanized Division "Żelazna".


Photos: Maskpol / 21 Brygada Strzelców Podhalańskich.

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