A servility towards the Iranian dictatorship that deserves a response at the polls

The nauseating 'condolences' of Josep Borrell and the EU for the 'Butcher of Tehran'

Yesterday the death of Ebrahim Raisi, dictator of Iran and major sponsor of Islamist terrorism, was confirmed in a helicopter accident.

The infamous EU bias: fury with Hungary and Poland and silence with Cuba, Iran and Spain
Israel and Iran, the history of an ancient friendship broken by Islamic extremism

Ebrahim Raisi's crimes against the Iranian people

Ebrahim Raisi has a long list of crimes to his credit, starting with the mass executions carried out by the Islamist regime of Iran in 1988, ordered by a "death committee" made up of four people. Raisi was one of its members. In "Iran: Stuck in Transition (The Contemporary Middle East)" (2017), Anoushiravan Ehteshami noted that 30,000 political prisoners were killed in those purges.

Let us also remember that the Raisi dictatorship murdered more than 500 protesters, including 71 children, in its wave of repression against protests in that country following the murder of Mahsa Amini, There are cases of torture and rape among the thousands of detainees, including children. Because of his criminal zeal, Raisi is known among Iran's own population by the nickname "Butcher of Tehran".

That dictator's support for Islamist terrorist groups

On the other hand, Raisi's dictatorship has continued with that regime's traditional support for various terrorist groups, such as Hezbollah in Lebanon, Al Sabirín and Hamas in Gaza, Islamic Jihad in the territories Palestinians, the Houthi terrorists in Yemen and the Al-Ashtar Brigades in Bahrain. On October 7, 2023, Raisi supported Hamas' terrorist attack against Israel, qualifying the killings, torture, rape and kidnappings of unarmed civilians (including children and babies) at the hands of Hamas as "legitimate defense."

Raisi's support for Russia in its attacks against the Ukrainian people

Likewise, the Raisi dictatorship has been supplying weapons to Russia for its attacks on Ukraine, within the framework of an invasion in which the Putin regime uses that weaponry - mainly Shared 136 suicide drones - to indiscriminately attack the civilian population. A criminal way of waging war that Iran repeated against Israel on April 13, in an indiscriminate attack against civilian targets that was repelled by Israeli air defenses.

The socialist Borrell and the EU express their 'condolences' for Raisi

Ignoring all that and the countless human rights violations perpetrated by the Iranian dictatorship, the socialist Josep Borrell, high representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, posted a message on Twitter stating the following:

"The European Union offers its condolences for the death of President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hussein Amir Abdollahian and other Iranian officials involved in the tragic helicopter crash on Sunday."

The message contains a link to an official statement from the European Union in which, in addition to the aforementioned text, it adds this:

"The EU expresses its sympathies to the families of all the victims and to the Iranian citizens affected."

This garbage has been published by Borrell 24 hours after publishing a message against Javier Milei for a statement made at Vox's Viva 24 event in Madrid. As usual, Borrell has words of criticism for the right but not for tyrants aligned with communist dictatorships, as is the case of Iran.

Servility toward dictators and hostility toward conservative democrats

The message from Borrell and the EU is somewhat nauseating, but yes, in line with the shameful foreign policy that both this socialist leader and the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, have been designing, exhibiting infamous complicity with dictatorships such as Iran, Turkey and Cuba, while they have dedicated themselves to harassing conservative governments of democratic countries such as Hungary and Poland. In 2019, Borrell already praised the Iranian dictatorship on the 40th anniversary of its establishment, talking about the country's literacy rates and its oil production, without say not a word about the human rights violations by that terrorist regime.

An infamy that deserves a resounding response in the European elections

This time we European citizens will not have to wait long to protest against this infamy. European elections will be held in June and we have the opportunity to show our rejection of this complicit attitude with the Iranian regime. An attitude for which the European socialists, of which Borrell is a part, are most responsible, but also the European People's Party, to which Von der Leyen belongs and which has maintained a pact with the socialists in the European Commission for years. The conservatives of the ECR, the Vox group, are very clear in their absolute rejection of the Iranian regime.


Photo: Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores.

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