A censorship that has exhibited a blatant bias against the State of Israel

Shameful censorship: Israeli singer Eden Golan's lyrics banned by Eurovision

The great result obtained by the Israeli singer Eden Golan at Eurovision last night should not make us forget the shame of that festival.

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Golan may be remembered as a 20-year-old girl who brought beauty and good music to a festival where bad songs and bad taste abounded, with some that seemed to compete to beat some mark of ugliness and filth such as the horrendous show of Bambie Thug (Ireland), whose terrible song is combined with a staging that seemed designed by an adherent of a satanic sect.

Light years above that garbage, the official video for Golan's song, "Hurricane" is downright excellent (the song is in English and Hebrew, you can turn on the automatic subtitles in the bottom bar of the player):

It is well known that songs with political content are not allowed in Eurovision, and that was the excuse offered to ban two Eden Golan songs by the European Broadcasting Union, organizer of the festival. The same festival that approved Bambie Thug's satanic act censored two lyrics by Eden Golan, considering them too political. Although the process is confidential, the censorship was so scandalous that The Israeli Broadcasting Corporation (KAN) broadcast the first censored letter on February 22.

The song was titled "October Rain", the music was practically the same as that of "Hurricane" and the lyrics were in English and the last verse in Hebrew:

Writers of the history
Stand with me
Look into my eyes and see
People go away but never say goodbye

Someone stole the moon tonight
Took my light
Everything is black and white
Who's the fool who told you
Boys don't cry

Hours and hours and flowers
Life is no game for the cowards
Why does time go wild
Every day I'm loosing my mind
Holding on in this mysterious ride

Dancing in the storm
We got nothing to hide
Take me home
And leave the world behind
And I promise you that never again
I'm still wet from this october rain
October Rain

Living in a fantasy
Everything's meant to be
We shall pass but love will never die

Hours and hours and flowers
Life is no game for the cowards
Why does time go wild
Every day I'm loosing my mind
Holding on in this mysterious ride

Dancing in the storm
We got nothing to hide
Take me home
And leave the world behind
And I promise you that never again
I'm still wet from this october rain
October Rain
October Rain

לא נשאר אוויר לנשום
אין מקום
אין אותי מיום ליום
כולם ילדים טובים אחד אחד

(There's no air left to breath
There's no space
I'm gone day by day
Everyone is good kids one by one)

What was "political" about these lyrics? It could be interpreted that it was a poetic, very metaphorical reference to the Hamas terrorist attack against Israel on October 7, 2023, and that was enough for it to be censored. A shameful censorship, which did not admit even a slight evocation of a massacre in which many of the murdered people were, precisely, at a music festival. All this while the "woke" left that dominates Eurovision boasts of tolerance, inclusivity and human rights, and in the same festival that does allow the display of LGBT, transgender flags, etc., as we saw last night.

As it was not enough to ban one lyric, Eurovision vetoed another lyric by Eden Golan, titled "Dance Forever". The Israeli media Ynet published this second censored letter on February 28:

City lights
My mind
I don’t know what’s right
Take me
To the right road
There’s no more time and I can’t go wrong
breath in
I know that I’m strong

I break all the chains
I’m on the edge now
Watch me fly away
Oh, dance like an angel
Oh, you will remember
That I will dance forever
I will dance again
Oh, dance like an angel


Was this a political lyric? This should not be allowed and the satanic filth of Ireland should? The Eurovision Song Contest is seriously affected after this edition. A censorship can only be explained by a blatant bias towards Israel, the only Jewish state in the world. And all this after that country suffered the greatest massacre suffered by the Jewish people since the Holocaust. The European Broadcasting Union should be ashamed, if it had one.


Photo: Jens Büttner.

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