The mobilizations continue amidst a growing media silence

20th day of protests against the socialist coup on the rule of law in Spain

Citizen protests continue in Spain against the socialist coup to the separation of powers and equality before the law.

Three journalists arrested in the wave of protests against the socialist coup in Spain
Spain: the list of the institutions that reject the socialist attack against the rule of law

This Wednesday, November 22 marks 20 days of protests against the pact between the Socialist Party (PSOE) and the fugitive Carles Puigdemont, a pact that seeks to undermine judicial independence and grant criminal privileges to convicted criminals for crimes of corruption and sedition and even those prosecuted for crimes of terrorism. You can see images of today's rallies here, which very few media outlets are reporting on.


New protest on Ferraz street, in front of the national headquarters of the PSOE. There have been 20 consecutive days of protests in Madrid.


One more day of protest in front of the PSOE headquarters. Photo: @MngelGonzlez1.

Don Benito


Protest in front of the European Fisheries Control Agency, on Avenida de García Barbón.


Main image: @borja_montoro_c.

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