Some of those cars, in terrible condition, are from the 1930s

A splendid collection of classic cars hidden in the middle of a forest in France

There are many places where old cars are gradually decomposing in the open, without anyone claiming them.

An atypical graveyard of 50 classic cars and a plane in the middle of a forest in Germany
A gigantic graveyard with more than 1,000 classic cars disintegrating in Sweden

A few days ago, Broken Window Theory published a video touring one of those places. It doesn't reveal what place it is, only that it is in France. It is a forest in which an impressive collection of classic cars is hidden, almost all of them very deteriorated. Among them there are some oddities:

You can see some screenshots from the video here. Some of the cars are invaded by vegetation, like this Mercedes-Benz 180 Sedan from 1960.

Some cars are not only suffering deterioration due to increases in weather, but also due to falling trees. This is the case with this car. It looks like a 1937 FIAT 1100.

Among the abandoned cars there are some rarities, like this 1953 Citroën U23 2 truck that we see on the left.

In the video we also see this FIAT 600, covered in vegetation.

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