In Malaga, Sánchez was received by a large protest against the coup

November 10: images of a new day of protests against the socialist coup in Spain

For the eighth consecutive day, a new wave of protests has taken place in Spain against the blow of the Socialist Party to the Rule of Law.

The Spanish Judiciary describes the pact between the PSOE and Puigdemont as “a flagrant attack on the separation of powers”
The socialist coup against democracy pushes Spain into a civil confrontation

Instead of going down, the protests are going up. Many Spaniards feel outraged at this attack on the unity of Spain, judicial independence and equality before the law, by a party, the PSOE, which lost the general elections in July. It is a blow to democracy. Here you can see some images of today's protests.


One more night, thousands of people demonstrated on Ferraz Street, in front of the national headquarters of the PSOE.


Protest before the Government Delegation in Barcelona.

Don Benito

Yesterday this protester was alone (applause for him). The photo went viral on Twitter. Today he has been more accompanied.




In Malaga, Pedro Sánchez met with German Prime Minister Olaf Scholz at the Government Subdelegation. A crowd came to welcome him there.


Photo by Luis Gestoso.


Photo by Oviedo Capital.





In the largest city of Galicia, the protest was called at 7:00 p.m. by the Somos España Vigo platform, and it took place without incident and under heavy rain. I have had the honor and pleasure of meeting some blog readers in person, what nice people.


Main photo: @lannaviv21.

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