The far-left party omitted any reference to the perpetrators of the crime

The evil message of Podemos on the murder of a Spanish woman by the Russians in Ukraine

The far-left party, Pedro Sánchez's government partner, has been exhibiting its harmony with the Kremlin for years.

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The murder of a Spanish aid worker in a Russian attack

Yesterday we learned sad news: the murder of the Spanish aid worker Emma Igual by the Russians in Ukraine, when she was traveling in a vehicle that suffered a direct attack from the invading forces. In addition to her, Canadian volunteer Anthony "Tonko" Ihnat was also murdered. Emma Igual was director of the NGO Road to Relief, which announced today that the aid workers' vehicle was attacked with an anti-tank guided missile. The Russians knew very well who they were attacking, and they chose a civilian target, as they have been doing systematically since the beginning of this invasion.

The aid workers killed yesterday in the Russian attack in Ukraine: on the left the Spanish Emma Igual, and on the right the Canadian Anthony "Tonko" Ihnat (Photo: Road to Relief).

We can 'regret' the crime without citing the perpetrators of the murder

Yesterday, the far-left party Podemos, Pedro Sánchez's communist partners, published a message about the murder of Emma Igual in which he says the following: "We regret the death of the aid worker Emma Igual and her partner after the attack on a convoy in Ukraine. We wish the wounded a speedy recovery. I hope that progress will soon be made towards the end of a conflict that only brings desolation and misfortune. Peace is the only way." Here you can see the capture of that message:

This message has received an avalanche of criticism on Twitter. And the thing is that We can talk about the murder of Emma Igual without mentioning the murderers, who were the Russian invaders, and also takes the opportunity to introduce a cynical invocation to peace that that party has been using to make dirty work to Russia. Let us remember, in fact, that Podemos is one of the parties that has been supporting Russia's interests the most in the European Parliament, aligning itself with the position adopted with other communist parties in European countries.

The favors that Podemos has been doing to Putin's Russia

In 2014, and for its position against European sanctions on Russia for its illegal annexation of Crimea, the newspaper Russian pro-government Pravda called Podemos a "pro-Russian party". After the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Podemos opposed Spain's sending of military aid to Ukraine, in an attempt to leave Ukrainians without resources to resist the invaders.

In March 2022, three MEPs who ran for the Podemos lists refused to condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine in a vote in the European Parliament. In November 2022, when the European Parliament accused Russia of terrorism in Ukraine (before the campaign of terror unleashed by Putin against the Ukrainian civilian population), none of the MEPs who presented by Podemos supported the resolution, and one of them voted against.

Finally, in February 2023, Podemos brought together seven other pro-Russian parties in Madrid at an event in which NATO was criticized, blaming it for the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Five of the seven pro-Russian parties invited by Podemos to that event did not even condemn that invasion. The event was used by Podemos to ask, once again, to stop military aid to Ukraine, a measure that would benefit Russia.

Podemos does not want peace: it wants the surrender of Ukraine

Thus, it is no coincidence that Podemos omits all reference to the perpetrators of the murder of Emma Igual. It is part of a strategy of that party to favor the interests of the Kremlin, which is what Podemos has been doing for years. When that far-left party talks about "peace", what it is talking about is the surrender of Ukraine and its surrender to Russia. In this sense, Podemos's message is very reminiscent of Herri Batasuna's cynical messages when ETA committed a terrorist attack.


Photo: Eduardo Parra / Europa Press.

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