An example of what it means for a politician to forget his own dignity

Certain letters in public should be more embarrassing than some meetings in private

More than ten years ago I met a guy from Amurrio, a town in Álava. That guy is almost my age (I'm a few months older than him).

The fable of the bigmouth scorpion that told the frog that it would kill it crossing the river
If no other party had contested the elections, the PP would have an absolute majority

A person for whom I feel admiration and pride

So that guy was already a well-known guy, since he had been risking his life for years in defense of Spain and Liberty in a place where there was a terrorist gang threatening to kill and murdering brave people like him. He himself spent years under death threats and under police escort. That boy was called Santiago Abascal, and some time after meeting him and speaking with him in person for the first time, he participated in the founding of Vox and ended up being president of that party. After that, I have spoken with him more times, and he has always treated me with the same cordiality and closeness as the first time we spoke.

As those of you who follow Counting Stars will already know, I do not hide my admiration for Santi, not only for the years in which he risked his life to defend very noble principles, but also for the many sacrifices he makes making today for Spain and for Liberty, sacrifices that his family will know better than anyone. I never take selfies with celebrities, but if I get to be old, I will be able to proudly say that I met people as admirable as Santiago, like Francisco José Alcaraz and other brave people who are at Vox today.

Feijóo proclaims his esteem for someone as mean as Sánchez

Perhaps for this reason, it is difficult for me to understand Alberto Núñez Feijóo's criteria when it comes to managing his pride and shame. On Sunday, the president of the Popular Party released a letter to Pedro Sánchez beginning with "Dear Pedro". In that letter, Feijóo offers "dialogue" to a president of the government who has used lies as a political weapon countless times, and who has not even had the democratic decency to recognize the electoral victory of the PP in the general elections on July 23.

With the publication of that letter, what Feijóo is doing is proclaiming his esteem for a dastardly and tricky politician, a politician who has allied himself with the enemies of Spain and Liberty, including the political heirs of the terrorist group ETA, and who is now preparing to continue governing with them, regardless of the price that has to be paid.

Feijóo is ashamed to be seen with Abascal

This Monday, one day after the Popular Party released that letter, Vox management leaked to the media that Abascal and Feijóo met last week. A meeting about which nothing was said and about which the PP has not given any information. He calls the meanest politician in Spain "Dear Pedro" and treats a man as admirable as Abascal as if he were ashamed of being seen with him.

Perhaps Feijóo has forgotten that while he was walking on a carpet in an office, Abascal risked his life to represent the PP in the Basque land, just as his father, who was also a member of that party, also risked his life. And this is how Feijóo thanks him, treating him like a plagued, while proclaiming his esteem for Sánchez, who is allied with the totalitarians who still do not condemn ETA's murders. Sending friendly letters to Sánchez in public should certainly make Feijóo ashamed, and not meeting a decent, brave and patriotic man like Abascal. And some will still wonder why three million Spaniards continue to vote for Vox: well, for dignity. That dignity that Feijóo seems to forget when he grovels before Sánchez and is ashamed of Abascal.


Photo: Vox.

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