He managed to win despite having half the time that the government had

Feijóo's absence gave much more merit to Abascal's victory in the TVE debate

The electoral debate broadcast this Wednesday by Televisión Española has ended up being a great missed opportunity for Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

The Feijóo's infamous offer to Sánchez in a rigged debate to hide an alternative
The atypical phenomenon of July 23: the unequal European support of PSOE, PP, Vox and Sumar

The absence of Feijóo in the debate

With his absence from this debate, the president of the Popular Party not only disappointed many Spaniards, who were deprived of the possibility of seeing him confront his proposals with the other three candidates, but also was left like a coward fleeing from a debate in which he did not feel favoured, as if he were afraid of having to fight a dialectical duel with others. Why did he agree to debate with Sánchez and not yesterday, as if there were no other political options?

I don't know if Feijóo was afraid of debating with the communist Yolanda Díaz, but everything seems to indicate that what really scared the PP president was having to debate Santiago Abascal, the leader of Vox, and not because of what some say (the idea that the PP could appear as a possible ally of the "extreme right"), but so that it does not become evident that Feijóo has ideologically more in common with socialists and communists than with a conservative party like Vox, from which he is separated by such important issues as the PP's support for abortion, gender ideology and other leftist dogmas.

Abascal defended common sense against the nonsense of the left

Despite the lies of Pedro Sánchez and Yolanda Díaz, yesterday Abascal was not left as an extremist, but as a man who defends common sense against the unreal discourse of the left-wing, an unreal discourse that he considers that the Sánchez government has done everything right and that it does not recognize any of the numerous mistakes made. A left that invents a parallel reality in which everything is going well, although the reality of the Spaniards says something very different.

Feijóo's defection gave even more merit to Abascal's victory

In yesterday's debate, as has happened so many times, Vox was left alone against the left, a loneliness that is largely due to the desertion of the PP from the battle of ideas, strong>a desertion that was reflected in the absence of Feijóo. That some consider that running away from a debate makes one a winner shows to what extent a part of the right has been fooled by the absurd idea that the left is defeated by showing fear of debating with it, fleeing from the debates that the left has declared closed, debates that the PP avoids so as not to be designated as "fascist" by that same left.

Due to Feijóo's desertion, Abascal's victory in the debate had much more merit, because he had to confront two opponents who said practically the same thing but with twice the time. And despite that advantage of the left, the leader of Vox managed to impose himself on his opponents by far, addressing issues such as the criminal favors of the left to rapists and exposing the unreasonableness of his theses ideological. The most surreal moment of the debate came when, after presenting themselves as great defenders of women, Sánchez and Díaz were unable to define what a woman is, when asked by Abascal regarding the nonsense of the Law Trans, which considers any man who perceives himself as a woman as such.

The success of pointing out the communist militancy of Yolanda Díaz

Another of the great successes of the Vox leader was his reproach to Yolanda Díaz for her communist ideology, the ideology of a totalitarian regime that -as Abascal pointed out- has been the worst in history along with Nazism -, and his reproach to Sánchez for having the only government in Europe with communist ministers. Both Sánchez and Díaz avoided that question, because in the end, the possible success of Sumar consists in their being able to hide that it is a communist electoral brand, backed by the Communist Party of Spain, in which Díaz He has been in the military for decades. It is an act of enormous cynicism for the left to demonize a democratic party like Vox while legitimizing communist totalitarianism, putting it in government and allowing it to destroy our economy and our democracy.

A debate that leaves the alternatives clear to those who want a change

In short: what Abascal defended yesterday was an alternative discourse to the nonsense of the left, a real change in the face of the dangerous drift into which socialists and communists have led Spain in recent years. And of course, we did not see Abascal offering deals to the left, as Feijóo did on July 11 with Pedro Sánchez. Yesterday's debate served so that Spaniards who are fed up with socialism and communism can have their alternatives clearer: either vote for the change of course that Vox proposes, or vote for the PP to leave the ideological project intact again from the left as Rajoy already did between 2011 and 2015, when he governed alone and with an absolute majority. I have it very clear: I will vote for Vox.

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