Anti-democratic reaction of the pro-ETA formation to Abascal's intervention

Bildu's threat before July 23: “We are not going to allow any right-wing government”

The heirs of ETA do not seem willing to accept an electoral result in Spain next Sunday that is not to their liking.

The Pedro Sánchez's debt to a party that has 44 terrorists as candidates
The last farce of the ETA terrorists: the 44 continue in the candidacies of Bildu

This morning, Mertxe Aizpurua, spokesperson for EH Bildu in the Congress of Deputies, has granted an interview with Onda Vasca (you can listen to it here). Regarding the yesterday's electoral debate on TVE and speaking particularly about the interventions of the president of Vox, Santiago Abascal, Aizpurua has affirmed: "We are not going to allow any right-wing government, neither in coalition nor separately." Those words can be heard from the 2:20 point of the interview.

Bearing in mind that Bildu still does not condemn the terrorist attacks by ETA , in which more than 800 Spaniards (including children) have been murdered, and is dedicated to organizing tributes to the members of that criminal gang, Bildu's words on the results of the elections take on an undeniable threatening tone. The question to ask is: how does Bildu plan to prevent the right from governing if he wins the elections? Will it resort to the same ETA mafia methods that he has never wanted to condemn?

Faced with this threat from the heirs of ETA, it must be remembered that Bildu has been a parliamentary partner of the government of Pedro Sánchez, an alliance that has provoked indignation among many Spaniards and has left episodes as embarrassing as when the socialists of the PSOE called their Bildu partners "brave and patriotic", the same ones who now threaten not to allow the right to govern.

Likewise, two months ago the Popular Party (PP) affirmed that "we accept with democratic naturalness that Bildu is in the institutions", referring to a party like Bildu that does not condemn the murders of ETA and that now threatens not to allow the right to govern. Does this seem "democratic naturalness" to the PP?


Photo: Europa Press.

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