His party refuses to put the Spanish flag in many town halls in Catalonia

LGBT flags in public buildings: Pedro Sánchez incites to disobey a court ruling

The socialist Pedro Sánchez has once again exhibited today his particular idea of respect for the Rule of Law and in particular for Justice.

The articles of the Constitution that Sánchez violates to liquidate judicial independence
King Felipe VI warns against "the erosion of institutions" in the middle of the Sánchez coup

A president of the government calling to disobey a Supreme Court ruling

In a message posted on his Twitter account, Sánchez referred to the pacts between the Party Popular and Vox in some institutions, stating: "Removing an LGTBI flag from a façade of a public institution is taking away rights." The president of the Spanish government has not explained what rights are suppressed by not placing a flag that is not even official on public buildings. Let us remember that the rights are included in the Constitution and in the laws, and their validity is not affected by the use of an unofficial flag.

In addition to insinuating that an official flag has an obligation that it absolutely lacks, with his statement, Sánchez is inciting disobeying a Supreme Court ruling. This is sentence 1163/2020, approved by the Contentious Chamber on May 26, 2020. In the Fundamentals of Law part, the text of the judgment states the following: "it is not compatible with the current constitutional and legal framework, and in particular, with the duty of objectivity and neutrality of the Public Administrations the use, even occasional, of unofficial flags outside buildings and public spaces, even when they do not replace, but that they concur, with the flag of Spain and the others legally or statutorily instituted."

The sentence is not limited to prohibiting the hoisting of these unofficial flags

As can be seen, the sentence is not limited to referring to the hoisting, but also to the "use" of unofficial flags "outside buildings and public spaces", something he considers illegal. Thus, with his statement, Pedro Sánchez is skipping that "constitutional and legal framework" indicated in the sentence. It is something extremely serious that a president of the government calls to disobey a judicial sentence of the highest court. Let us remember Article 9.1 of the Constitution: "Citizens and public authorities are bound by the Constitution and all other legal provisions."

Sánchez's party refuses to put the Spanish flag on dozens of town halls

In case this insubordination of the president of the government to legality does not come, it must be remembered that Sánchez's party refuses to place the Spanish Flag in dozens of town halls in Catalonia. And it does not do so due to a simple oversight: last year, in the Catalan Parliament, the socialists voted against a Vox initiative that called for urging the Town Halls of Catalonia to place the Flag of Spain, whose presence in public institutions is mandatory, as indicated by the Law 39/1981, also known as the Flag Law and whose Article 3.1 states:

"The flag of Spain must fly outside and occupy the preferred place inside all the buildings and establishments of the central, institutional, regional, provincial or insular and municipal Administration of the State."

The government of Pedro Sánchez has done absolutely nothing to demand that these city councils comply with the aforementioned law, perhaps so as not to lose the parliamentary support of its separatist partners.


Photo: PSOE.

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