A majority of respondents support the use of nuclear weapons in the attack

A poll indicates that 3 out of 4 Russians support Poland being the next invaded

The warmongering and nationalist propaganda of the Kremlin and many Russian media seem to have infected most of the Russian population.

Russian pro-gov media Pravda appeals to Stalin and threatens Poland with another invasion
The lesson of courage of the Polish, Czech and Slovenian PM with their travel to Kiev

Putin and his propagandists want us to believe that there is a problem of "Russophobia"

The Kremlin and its propagandists are using the allegations of "Russophobia" to cover up the crimes that the Russian Army is committing in Ukraine. They want to convince us that Western governments support Ukraine out of hatred for Russia, and not because Russia has invaded a sovereign country and is massacring its civilian population. It is not a new cover-up technique by the Kremlin: it was already used to try to cover up the Skripal scandal in 2018.

The problem for the Russian people is how to convince the world that they are not an accomplice of Putin. It is true that in Russia there are dissenting voices and there have been protests against the war, very brave gestures considering that this dictatorship - at this point I think it is fair to describe it that way - is massively imprisoning all those who take to the streets to to protest. But the fact is that Putin received 76% of the votes in the 2018 presidential election, and most Russians seem to support his aggression against Ukraine.

A majority of Russians support attacking other countries after the invasion of Ukraine

This is what can be deduced from a survey published yesterday by the Active Group with telephone calls made between March 11 and 14, that is, when it was already clear that the invasion of Ukraine was failing and that the Russian military was attacking to the Ukrainian civilian population. The company warns: "Mandatory language for the Russian environment was used in the drafting of the questions. Thus, instead of “invasion” and “war” in the survey the word “special operation” was used, Ukrainian security forces were called “Nazis” etc." The results of the survey are chilling.

As we see on these lines, only 13.4% of those surveyed expressed their refusal to attack other countries to force them to stop supporting Ukraine. The majority, 46%, supported this possibility, while 40.6% expressed doubts. Let us bear in mind that such an attack against any NATO country would lead to a new world war.

75.5% support that the next invaded be Poland

The answers to the next question were even more amazing. In this case, respondents could support more than one option. 75.5% supported Poland being the next country to be invaded, while 41% supported the Baltic republics. Likewise, 39.6% supported the attack being directed against other countries that belonged to the Warsaw Pact (such as Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania), 32.4% supported Georgia being attacked, 28.85% chose Moldova and 4.3% chose that the attack be directed against other NATO countries. Only 0.7% supported an attack on the United States, while 12.9% supported attacks on other countries.

Only 25.5% reject the use of nuclear weapons

Regarding the nature of the attack, 40.3% of those surveyed supported the use of nuclear weapons in a restricted way, in a question that was in line with the Kremlin's false narrative about Ukraine, an official discourse that tries to make believers Russians that this country was trying to create nuclear weapons to attack Russia. Only 25.5% rejected that possibility.

A survey that reveals the hatred of the majority of the Russian people towards their neighbors

It must be remembered that in March 1933, when the National Socialist Party won the German federal elections that brought Hitler to power, he had 43.91% of the votes. As I have already pointed out, Putin had 76% of the vote in the last presidential election. As if that was not enough, the results of this survey make it clear that we are not now facing an outbreak of "Russophobia", but rather a serious problem of hatred of the majority of the Russian people against their neighboring countries. That hatred has already led to the invasion of Ukraine and the murder of Ukrainian civilians, including children, and is now pointing to new targets, as the Russian newspaper Pravda did yesterday with Poland.


Photo: Yuri Kadobnov/AFP.

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