A comprehensive video shows many of the 110 vehicles in this Israeli museum

Yad La-Shiryon: A walk through one of the world's largest tank museums

Since its birth in 1948, the State of Israel has fought relentlessly for its survival, often resorting to tanks.

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Near Jerusalem, there is a place where you can learn in detail the history of the Israeli Army's Armored Corps: the Yad La-Shiryon Military Museum, which with 110 tanks and armored vehicles is one of the largest museums of its kind in the world. Its repertoire includes some German, British and American tanks used in World War II, as well as later vehicles of the aforementioned nationalities, also of French and Soviet origin, in addition to tanks manufactured in Israel. The museum was opened in 1982 and in addition to its purely museum function, it also serves as a place of tribute to the fallen of the Israeli Armored Corps.

Israeli YouTuber Relaxing Pedestrian has published a very complete video tour of this museum (it lasts more than an hour), in which he shows us both the vehicles and the interior of the museum building. An excellent way to visit a historical place without having to leave home:

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