Its heroism and sacrifice was rewarded with a collective Laureate Cross

Alcántara Regiment: this was one of the most heroic feats of the Spanish Cavalry

Today marks 100 years since one of the most epic deeds in the already glorious history of the Spanish Cavalry, which occurred in North Africa.

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That feat was carried out by a unit whose name deserves to be written and read with respect and admiration: the "Alcántara" Cavalry Regiment. I copy here his own account of the events Regiment website:



After the Spanish-French agreements of 1912, a Spanish Protectorate had been nominally established over part of the Moroccan territory, but from the first moment, several Kabilas were not willing to tolerate foreign interference in their territories.

There were numerous attacks by the Riffian rebels that managed to unsettle the entire Spanish population.

Painting "Together with the Heroes of Alcántara", by Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau (Source:

In 1920, General Silvestre began a campaign consisting of the conquest and pacification of hostile territories and Kabilas.

All these actions, successful at first sight, only increased the hostility of the Riffians, which took the Spanish troops to a dangerous point, all aggravated by the excessive dispersion of the units given the extent of the terrain to be dominated.There were numerous warnings that Silvestre received, but they were of no use.

After several Riffian attacks on the unguarded Spanish positions, the Riffians, commanded by Abd El Krim, began to realize that their time had come. They knew only too well how precarious the situation was. The material was obsolete and scarce, the staff was also scarce and lacked motivation and instruction, and the means in general were equally old. All of them combined with the rugged terrain, conspired against our army.

In June, the Abarran position was attacked and, with the help of the Indigenous Police, revolted against the Spanish troops themselves, it was finally taken by the Riffians after murdering the entire garrison.

Finally,Abd El Krim decided to go on the offensive, initiating an attack on Igueriben, which was under the command of Commander Benítez and which had already been suffering small attacks for some time, leaving it isolated, althougha still arrived convoy protected by Cavalry Captain Cebollino Von Lindeman who was awarded the Laureate Cross of San Fernando. The situation of the position, without help, without ammunition and what is worse, without water, became desperate, Its heroic defenders came to drink the liquid from the crushed potatoes, the canned pepper and in the end, in desperation, even cologne, ink and urine mixed with sugar. After a failed attempt to rescue the position and after distributing the last cartridges, setting fire to the material and disabling the artillery pieces, the garrison left in desperation, being massacred at the very doors of the position. Only 25 survivors reached Annual, of whom 16 later died of exhaustion or drinking too much water.

For their heroism in the defense of Igueriben, Comandante Benítez and Captain de la Paz Orduña were awarded the Laureate Cross of San Fernando.

Painting "Cargo of Alcántara 1921", by Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau (Source:


July 20: Given the seriousness of the situation, on July 20, the Alcántara Regiment concentrates on the Drius camp.

July 21: The Regiment participates unsuccessfully in the attempt to help the Igueriben position.

July 22: In the position of Annual, in command of about 3,000 men, General Silvestre was while the position was severely harassed to the point that, despite having been ordered in principle to maintain the position , it is finally decided to abandon it. The disorganization is total, panic takes over the situation, turning the retreat into an "every man for himself". The Regiment's performance that day is exemplary, trying to put order in the rout with little means at its disposal, covering the flanks and rear of the column, until its arrival at Drius.

Painting "Alcántara Regiment", by José Ferré-Clauzel (Source: @ArtClauzel).

July 23: The withdrawal is total, so General Navarro orders Primo de Rivera to support the abandonment of some positions, leading to combat with knives. But the heroic demonstration of the riders of the Alcántara Regiment does not end here. Once they arrived at Drius, General Navarro ordered the evacuation of the position towards El Batel. Once the order was received, Lieutenant Colonel Primo de Rivera met with his and his officers. Addressing them he said:

"The situation, as you will see, is critical. The time has come to sacrifice for the country, fulfilling the most sacred mission of our Weapon.Let each one occupy his position and fulfill his duty."

Painting "Viva España" by Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau (Source: @ArtClauzel).

El Alcántara fulfilled its duty to protect the flanks and rear of the retreating column with constant charges on the enemy, but its feat was not yet over. When it headed towards El Batel, the column had to cross the Igan River, where there was a strong attack by the Riffian forces ambushed there. When the first shots were fired, General Navarro ordered Primo de Rivera to charge his squads on the left flank, to get the column to ford the river.

Primo de Rivera, knowing what he was facing, harangued his horsemen with these words:

"Soldiers! The time for sacrifice has come. Let everyone do their duty. If you don't, your mothers, your girlfriends, all the Spanish women will say that we are cowards. We are going to prove that we are not."

Painting "Hunter of the Alcántara Regiment" by José Ferré-Clauzel (Source: @ArtClauzel).

With these phrases, pronounced, pistol in hand, by Lieutenant Colonel Fernando Primo de Rivera, it can be said that one of the most epic performances of the Spanish Cavalry begins, that of the Alcántara Regiment in the retreat from Annual. strong>

The Alcántara horsemen charged up to four times against the entrenched enemy, while the rest of the column managed to cross the river. Given the exhaustion of the horses, they began to fight, first at foot and then on foot. land.

It should be noted that, in the last charges, given the dwindling strength, even the veterinary officers and the very young band students, stood up and fell alongside their companions.

Painting "Alcántara Regiment" by José Ferré-Clauzel (Source: @ArtClauzel

Almost 700 men formed the Regiment at the beginning of the day but Lieutenant Colonel Primo de Rivera, two commanders, some officers and about seventy troops survived. At the end of that day, the Alcántara Regiment ceased to exist as a Unit.

Days later, Lieutenant Colonel Primo de Rivera died due to gangrene produced when his arm was amputated after being hit by a cannon projectile.

Due to all these facts, the process for granting the Laureate Cross of San Fernando to the Alcántara Regiment was initiated, with the following ruling from the investigating judge:

"... By virtue of these situations where the conduct of this Regiment shines brightly, of which the public clamorand especially of the residents in this Plaza who lived and suffered those days of anguish and which are the most faithful judges of the actions of this Corps already made their appearance, judging them without passion as heroic and definitive in those events, passing them into history to exalt and endure the glories of Spain and its Army and the Cavalry Weapon; The Judge who has the honor to report is of the opinion that in few cases like the present one the right to such an appreciated reward is as clear as that of the Alcántara Regiment included in article 55 of the current regulations." Melilla on February 8, 1933

Finally and after many vicissitudes, on June 1, 2012 the Council of Ministers awarded the Laureate Cross of San Fernando in its collective form to the Alcántara Hunters Regiment, 14th Cavalry, being imposed on the RCAC Alcántara Banner nº10 by H.M. King Juan Carlos I, on October 1, 2012 at the Royal Palace of Madrid.


Main image: Painting "Letter from the Agán River", by Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau.

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